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Helping Recruiters filter the best candidate for the job.



Wade & Wendy supports companies in acquiring talent, converting job seekers into applicants, and making informed recommendations throughout the recruiting process. At Wade & Wendy, they are providing a more humanized experience, and creating scalable, knowledgeable and insight-driven processes.


Product Designer


2 months



Framer X


Adobe Creative Suite

Usability testing

Competitive Analysis

Information Architecture


Wade and Wendy has an inbox for recruiters that updates them on new candidates daily. They have been working on improving the experience by filtering the two types of talents in their inbox labeled “Sourced” and “Screened”. After recruiters filter the category, they can preview the Talents work background. As a continuation of these efforts, we are adjusting the information in Screened Talent to help recruiters filter talent more efficiently.


Original Version

The Problem

We noticed Recruiters were dropping off after going through our candidate profile in their inbox and wanted to see why the drop off was happening. The candidate profile is the second phase  for a recruiter to decide whether a candidate gets an in person  interview so not only is it important for the recruiter’s decision making  but for a candidate to move forward in their interview process.


In order to understand the experience from our customer's perspective, we called in five recruiters who currently use our platform (21 - 34) and walked through their routine with their inbox, asking for their opinion on their experience along the way. We concluded the study by uncovering three main points they search for in a screened talent:


The consistent feedback we received from a majority of our participants was that the most important information was not being displayed for optimal scannability.

Design Goal

Our goal is to adjust the current information in Candidate profile to help recruiters filter talent more efficiently.


Research and Findings

Using the top job boards as references, I wanted to see how job information was being broken down.  By understanding how job posts are formatted it helped me understand how we should be re-organizing our information to match candidate requirements.

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Iteration 1

One of the main concerns was optimal scan-ability so in my first iteration I wanted to utilize the format of Cards.


Cards allow you to present a heavy dose of content in a small and digestible manner: they divide all available content into meaningful sections, present a summary and option to see additional details.


I reorganized the information in the Old candidate profile and condensed them into three new sections: Overview, Work History and Education. Each section being in a card format.


User Testing and Feedback


During a brainstorming session, the biggest design hurdle was how to condense chat transcript and resume in the Overview section card.


Through quick testing we came to the conclusion that the information nested into those two tabs would be too small to read and needed to find a new option.

Iteration 2





In the next iteration, I decided the resume and chat transcript would become attachments rather than separate tabs.


Initially, the tabs design goal was to showcase the information if a recruiter wanted to see the chat or resume in detail. However, after further consideration I realized downloadable documents was a more effective way to showcase the information instead. 



The response we got from our users was that it was much easier and more intuitive to scan talent in our redesigned experience. The new breakdown really helped establish trust with our users and create an enjoyable experience with the additional visuals.  It made them more confident in filtering screened candidates to jobs.

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